Enlist our services today and together we can ‘Grow Something’


Committed to creating and promoting sustainable aesthetically pleasing edible gardens

Consultancy and Gardening

Helping domestic and commercial clients create edible landscape spaces. We provide site specific solutions for projects of any scale to achieve a diversity of aims. With extensive horticultural experience we can service complex projects for clients in the United Kingdom, Europe, North America, and Oceania. Advisement is provided through a mixture of physical and digital means. Consultancy from £90/h, practical gardening from £40/h contact us for more details. Listed prices exclusive of travel costs.



Public lectures are available to book through our events page, including our digital talks. We also offer a selection of talks to organisations and groups internationally; custom lectures, teaching classes, and other media appearances can be arranged on request. Click below to view our range of custom lectures and classes then contact us to arrange your event. Whatever option you select, it is certain to inspire viewers to Grow Something!


With extensive experience producing horticultural literature, Aaron Bertelsen can provide written materials to a wide range of specifications. Clients include publishers such as Phaidon and Gardens Illustrated. Whatever your publication format and frequency requirement, contact us to discuss your needs. Prices start from £400 per 500 words.